Friday, March 4, 2011

In Friday's Gospel, Jesus and His disciples were traveling from Bethany to Jerusalem and see a fig tree "in leaf".  The tree looks healthy, and, being hungry, Jesus walks up to it to see if there were figs there.  When none are found, Jesus curses the fig tree, which the disciples later notice, withers away "to the roots".

Are we like the fig tree--showy and in full leaf so that at a distance we look the part, but upon closer inspection, just as "fruitless" as those persons whom we despise as being evil and "less than"?  Do we make sure to have all the outward trappings of virtue and faith, only to treat others as badly as we ourselves feel that we are treated by them?

In reply to the disciples' amazement at the withering of the fig tree, Jesus does not give them a list of things to do in order to be fruitful.  Instead, he tells them to forgive whatever you have against anyone.  *That* is what it is to begin to bear fruit.

Love as Jesus loved.


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