Saturday, September 29, 2007
I came across this full-page illustration in a '57 issue of LIFE Magazine, acompanying an article about the innovations and possibilities of recording tape.
I was struck by artist Richard Erdoes familiar and charming style, as well as the happy and only slightly off-target prescience of the images...
(click on image to ENLARGE on a new page)
"Present and future uses of tape ranges from simple home recordings (top strip) to complex operation of push-button households (bottom)."In casting about for further examples of Erdoes' work, I was pleased and not at all surprised to discover that there has been at least a small bit of further discussion online: (click on links)
Some images from the 1954 book Jokes, Jokes, Jokes appeared a couple of months back at
Mike Lynch's site (Found via Drawn!), which in turn yielded a link to some 1960's color book illustrations posted at flickr by Eric Sturdevant.
What can be gleaned about Erdoes' from these links is that he supplied many illustrations to LIFE in the fifties, and by the sixties produced artwork for several children's books.
Is there anyone reading this who can share further info about this artist, or point us all to further examples of his work? If so, please drop a line or leave a comment on this post. Much obliged!ADDENDUM, 4/6/08: Thanks to Sami (see comments) for sharing the discovery of an Erdoes LP cover.
It's the 1953 'studio cast' recording of Rodgers & Hart's 'The Boys From Syracuse'.
Googling about I found a clearer image of the album art.
Agreed, Sami, very Flora-esque!
ADDENDUM, 5/3/10: Thanks to Ariel S. Winter (see comments) for providing a link to his
Flickr sets, including plenty of Erdoes illos!
Labels: audio archaeology, flickr, illustrators, vintage graphics