Friday, January 11, 2008
Okay then, back into the swing or something like it after a small interruption this week.
There was a very brief power outage here the other day, and just about the only notice I took of it was when it somehow managed to screw up some of my computer junk for a bit.
The problems were thankfully minor, but the time involved to set everything straight was tedious and frustrating. Such is life.
Last week I reported my excitement over the upcoming Malcolm McDowell appearance here in conjunction with the film about Lindsay Anderson.
Sadly, I found out yesterday that the screening and the local appearance have both been cancelled.
The word is that McDowell "couldn't fit Boise into his schedule". I sort of hate to say it, but I think most anyone could have told him that...
I'd love to hear an excuse like, "Boise?!? My agent said Boston!".
But enough with the bitchery - - here's a few other things that popped up this week!1. Top Ten Astronomy Pictures of 2007!
Big thanks to my buddy Joe Sixpack for sending along the link, as catalogued at the Bad Astronomy Blog.
It's a collection of beautiful and fun and sobering images, like this shot ➤
of a ring of dark matter in a cluster of galaxies 5 billion light years away.
2. Also within the realm of groovy science is the plan for some 'AquaBuoy' wave energy converters to be installed off the Northern California coast, serving as a clean power plant that generates electricity from the movement of ocean waves.
(Via Information Junk.)3. Dwaah!!
The very welcome word on the street wafted in this past week (via TVShowsOnDVD.com) that the 1990's animated TV series 'Duckman' should finally be coming to DVD, beginning later this year with a season 1 & 2 boxset.
I'm SO there. I've missed that show...
4. Jalopnik has posted photos of 150 Old Cars found parked on the streets of Alameda, California.
Alameda's just that kinda gal, bless her.5. Thwipp!
An old post at Space Patrol delivers up 'Secrets of "The Adventures of Spider-Man"'.
Available for download are tracks from an LP, 'Jazz From Great TV Shows'.
A few of the tracks were later used as background music in the 1967 'Spiderman' animated TV show, and should be instantly recognizable by anyone who remembers watching it.
I always thought that music (and - - of course - - the 1967 'Spiderman'theme song) were the coolest parts of that series. (As of this writing, the download link is still active.)
Labels: link, Reasons To Be Cheerful