Friday, September 19, 2008
(This is a compiled repost of items culled from my soon-to-be-extinct subsidiary blog, 'Brief Window')1. Follow the link to Society In Decline's Intrastate Commerce flickr set.
(Found via
bad banana blog)
Over 450 photos so far in this set, collecting old business signs and 'totems' from around the U.S.
Lots of neon, lots of vintage design, lots of faded evidence of a bygone era...2. George Takei, the original Mr. Sulu from the original 'Star Trek' TV series wed his longtime partner, Brad Altman in a multi-cultural ceremony in
Los Angeles earlier this week.
Takei and Altman were among the first couples to receive a marriage license in West Hollywood when California began granting licenses to gay couples on
June 17, 2008.
- Follow the link to the story at Washington Post.Com for more details.
LOVE that photo of the couple flanked by Takei's former co-stars Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koenig, flashing their happy-but-cheesy 'Live Long and Prosper' gang signs...
(Sigh) I remember as young trekkie, attending my very first convention, seeing George on stage explaining that his name rhymed with "okay".
That was a long time ago, in a much different world.
- You can read George and Brad's wedding vows at George Takei.Com
3. Mehrzeller: The trailer of the future comes from AustriaMost likely, Bucky Fuller would have approved...
The prototype for the new Mehrzeller ('multi-cell') trailer was recently seen at the 'Caravan Salon' expo in Düsseldorf.
With financial backing secured from BMW, 3M and others, the innovative, completely user-customizable 'mobile living solutions' design from Austria has a strong likelihood of going into mass production in the near future.
An article at The Cool Hunter (found via Mod*Mom) provides the rest of the story.
You can also read the
press release and experiment with the model for their online 'configurator' at the
Mehrzeller website.