Monday, October 13, 2008
Ronald Searle has been crafting cartoons, illustrations and other artworks for more than sixty years now.
Regardless of subject matter, his lines are enchanting and unique.
Born in Cambridge, England in 1920, Searle had been living in Paris for roughly four years when the images below ran in the May, 1965 issue of Show Magazine.The Searle portraits above ▲ come by way of a photograph series posted at the Ronald Searle Tribute blog.
The text of the magazine piece fibs a bit when it suggests that British subject Searle had been 'dispatched' to Paris to report back for them.
A further conceit of 'Paris By Proxy' is the notion that the experience of the places Searle depicted could be reproduced just as easily at home in the U.S., thus boosting the domestic economy.
That was their angle of the day and they stuck with it...
(click on text or images to ENLARGE in a new window)For more Ronald Searle, see also:
- The Ronald Searle Tribute blog is a labor of love, and a great place to start.
- The Wikipedia entry has a nice selection of links to investigate, including an illustrated bio page at
Been Publishing, I'm Back, and a link to his designs for the British Art Medal Society.
Labels: cartooning, illustrators, magazines