Monday, November 17, 2008
Taking just a moment to direct you over to a gallery of images I posted at flickr and first linked to here at ILTS about fourteen months ago...
- Please follow link to my flickr set: Nostalgia for the Scholastic Book Club of the '60s & '70s
Since posting that set I've received nice feedback from time to time from folks who remember reading some of those books and others like them via The Scholastic Book Club back when they were kids.I've updated the gallery a few times over the months, as I'll stumble upon more of these old titles in thrift shops and used book stores.
Today I just added 39 more images of book covers and illustrations, bringing the current total of the set up to 226.
The timing seemed right, as traffic to the flickr set spiked dramatically over the past few days, since being linked to in a post over at Boing Boing last Thursday.
Crazily, tens of thousands of people looked at the set over the weekend, and the sudden additional feedback has been most gratifying.
Many thanks to BB's Mark Fraunfelder, and to several other sites that have since picked up on it, including the
On Our Minds @ Scholastic blog from The Scholastic Book Club itself, still very much alive and well, and still generating excitement in the classroom!
- The scans in this post are a sampling of the new images just added to
my flickr set:
Nostalgia for the
Scholastic Book Club
of the '60s & '70s
(click on link)
Labels: cover gallery, flickr, illustrators, vintage graphics