Wednesday, January 28, 2009
'Davey' was a recurring comic strip that ran in issues of Extension Magazine, 'the Catholic Saturday Evening Post', appearing on its back page.
I scanned these from the same issues where I found the Bill O'Malley cartoons I've posted previously.
(click on images to enlarge in a new window)Above, ▲ from August, 1946
I don't know a thing about 'Davey', or the strip's creator, Joseph Berger. I'd love to hear from anyone with any information to share on the topic.
Having only these five examples as references, the storyline of the strip is a bit mysterious.
The light-hearted lessons of the '46 strip above and the '52 strip at the bottom of the post are sandwiching a serialized plotline involving two sinister 'foreign agents'.
I guess we can assume that everything works out okay - -? (Though I notice that something has happened to Davey's eyes by '52 - - IF that's even the real Davey. Hmmm...)
That range in storylines and the nature of the relationship between wide-eyed Davey and Father Paul makes this strip seem like it may have been sort of a twist on Little Orphan Annie.
'Little Catholic Andy', if you will.
So is Davey an orphan? If not, where are his parents? He seems to be living with Father Paul, is that right? He's an altar boy, yes? And what did happen to his dog, Spot??
So many questions, and for now, so few answers...
(click on images to enlarge in a new window)Above, ▲ from November, 1946
Above, ▲ from March, 1947
Above, ▲ from June, 1947
Above, ▲ from March, 1952
(click on images to enlarge in a new window)
Please drop a line or comment on this post if you have any insights regarding 'Davey' or cartoonist Joseph Berger!
Labels: comics