Sunday, July 5, 2009
When this photo feature appeared in the March, 1954 issue of Pageant Magazine, Danish comedian / pianist Victor Borge was a just a few months in to his 2½-year run of 849 performances on Broadway with his one-man show, Comedy In Music.
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In 'Smörgås Borge', photographer Martin Iger captured Mr. Borge's visual reactions to various queries.
Seems like Mr. Iger may have drawn some influence from Philippe Halsman's 'The Frenchman', a 1949 book using a similar concept for portraits of French film star Fernandel.
(Follow link to the previously posted 'Two Special Faces Photographed: Fernandel reacts for Philippe Halsman, Anna Russell on Positive Stinking')▲ (click on images to read enlarged text in a new window)
There is a wealth of Borge material available online, including plenty of video clips from various appearances throughout his long career.
- Follow link to a favorite, in which Borge discusses composing.
- Go to the Wikipedia entry for assorted links and tribute sites.
- Be sure to visit The Victor Borge Collection at Internet Archive. They've gathered over two dozen fine audio recordings to enjoy, including excerpts from Comedy In Music, and his famous routines 'Inflationary Language' and 'Phonetic Punctuation'.
- For further related facial studies on this blog, follow links to:
The previously mentioned Fernandel and Anna Russell post, and
'Zero Mostel's Face, Zero Mostel's Life'