Monday, October 29, 2007
Hey, here I am.
I'm back from some time away with the in-laws at a big family wing-ding in Castle Valley, Utah.
A grand time was had by all, and here's just a few photos...The tiny community of Castle Valley sits about 20 miles Northeast of Moab, Utah's hipster enclave and extreme sports mecca.
Beautiful country.
Red Rock and Fall colors, and our visit was during a spell of perfect weather.
This past Saturday, several of us drove several miles up into the hills to an overlook spot along one of the valley ridges.
The local contingent knew a place nearby where there was easy access to some dinosaur footprints left in the rock eons ago.
I had no particular expectations, but sure enough, there they were.
Fascinating, sobering, and freakin' cool.
There were several of the prints scattered about, many of them very distinct and in a discernible trail.
I felt very lucky to have been given the opportunity to see them.
There was every good intention for finding time to seek out Native American petroglyphs as well, but joyful conversation and eating vast quantities of barbecue back at the B & B somehow took priority.
(Life's rough)
Another time, I suppose.
⬅ In this photo you can see where one of the trails of footprints leads to the edge of what is now a cliff.
I'm curious if the trail might continue somewhere on the opposite side of what is now the large canyon below...
So now I'm back home in the land of available cell phone signals and internet capability, after a pleasant 'reboot'.
Glad to share a bit of my weekend with you, and eager to jump back into the usual nonsense you might expect to find here!
Labels: travel snapshots