Friday, October 19, 2007
Autumn has fallen, and Winter is in the wind. Dark grey days, with some welcome dampness to the air.
Looking out my window I can see the first light frosting of snow up in the foothills.
But it's always good weather for relating to you some of the essential nonsense that's crossed my path this week...
1. This weblog was born on 3/27/07. Just a few days ago it cleared the 50,000 hits mark, and I'm very pleased. As always, you have my thanks for visiting!2. 'Forklift Driver Klaus: The First Day on the Job' - - Have you seen it?
Oh, it's great fun, though perhaps not for the squeamish.
This German short film began appearing at various film festivals back in 2001.
Unbeknownst to me, it's become something of an internet favorite in recent years. I guess now it's my turn to pass the word along!
From the official Staplerfahrer Klaus website:
"Klaus has just passed his driving test for forklifts.
"But his first day on the job turns out to be the real challenge.
"An homage to industrial safety educational films."
(Thanks to Joe Sixpack for the heads up!)3. Okay, so have you heard about The Burqa Band?
In 2003, Afghanistan's first girl group recorded a song gently mocking the custom of wearing the garment that cloaks some Islamic women from head-to-toe.
The music video they taped in Kabul became a hit in Germany.
Here's a link to 'Burqa Blue' at YouTube.
(Via Planeta Kornerson.)
It's a silly tune, but catchy. I like that it reminds of some early-eighties post-new wave stuff.
But the somewhat comical sight of the three young women performing on their instruments while fully concealed is underscored by the fact that they absolutely had to hide their identities, for fear of being attacked or killed.
The recording and filming all had to be done secretly. The women cannot reveal their names, or perform in Afghanistan, as their are still many religious zealots who simply just can't take a joke.
Here's a link to an article and interview with one of the members of The Burqa Band, from the website of freelance journalist Michael Lund.
As to the assorted controversies in various parts of the world regarding the traditions of women in burqas, I liked one comment I read that said basically:
"When it's voluntary, wearing the burqa can be a beautiful practice. When it's mandatory, it's simply a prison."
- - and have you seen the 'Burqini' swimsuits?4. The gallery at Sweet World Pez shows several dispensers all lovingly 'hand transformed' by artist ATYPYK. ➔
(Via Boing Boing)
- - and finally,
5. Wacky Wonder Woman Wednesdays at
Craig Yoe's Arf Lovers site!
Labels: link, Reasons To Be Cheerful, video, YouTube