Sunday, December 7, 2008
(Reposted from 'Brief Window')American character actor
Paul Benedict passed away last week at his home in Martha's Vineyard. He was 70.
Though best remembered for the role of Mr. Bentley, the wacky British neighbor on the TV sitcom
'The Jeffersons' in the 1970s and '80s, his career began in the early 1960's and took him from stage to film and television, sometimes as a director.
Looking back on 'Mr. Bentley', a point of interest was how little that role showed of Benedict's range in the choices he made throughout so much of his film career.
It's always a treat to see him show up in some small part in some curious old film. If Bentley is most of what you remember of Benedict, examples of other appearances are often surprising.
See also:
- An obituary from The Los Angeles Times.
- 'Goodbye Paul Benedict, and Thank You'; a nice remembrance posted at the Film Threat Blog, that includes video clips of Benedict's performance opposite Richard Dreyfuss in Neil Simon's
'The Goodbye Girl' in 1977.Below, ▼ some examples of Paul Benedict's other best-remembered role (at least for certain folks of a certain age); a few video clips of the recurring 'Mad Painter' segments from 'Sesame Street'.
Many of them first aired around 1972, and several featured a young Stockard Channing as co-star to Benedict.
Labels: character actors, formerly at 'Brief Window', obit, TV, video, YouTube