Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hey there - -

All is well, but in the midst of the usual busyness plus preparations for getting out of town this week, I've just recently discovered I'm flying out this afternoon to attend a funeral.

My Aunt was the last of the older generation in my family.

No more parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles. Now my siblings and cousins and I are the older generation (anyone else could probably tell by looking at us), and the kids and nieces and nephews are all proving to be a great next wave.

My aunt lived a long life, much of it independent and very confident.

Her passing did not take long, and she was blessed with complete lucidity as she made her decisions to leave the hospital and return home with hospice care.

Most impressive, she stated clearly that not only was she ready to die, but she was excited to make the next step. Nervous, but looking forward.

Now she's at peace.

I'll doubtless be around, and I'll doubtless be posting more silly nonsense very soon. Thanks for your attention, and all your visits.

MEANWHILE, this might be a good opportunity to delve into my archives, or investigate any of the scads of links in that brown sidebar, or take a roam through the YouTube 'vlog' stuff I've gathered...

Later 'til soon,

'The In Crowd'


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