Sunday, November 25, 2007
Dr. Fredric Wertham's 'What Parents Don't Know About Comic Books' (1953)
Posted by nonong at 12:58 PMWhile working with troubled youths in the 1940's, psychiatrist and author Dr. Fredric Wertham (1895 - 1981) began turning his clinical focus towards the possible detrimental influences of mass media and popular culture.
His articles published on the subject became very influential.
By the 1950's his study was concerned almost exclusively with comic books. The height of his influence came in 1954 with the release of his book 'Seduction of the Innocent'.
The book made a big splash, and so Dr. Wertham was called upon to give testimony that year at the congressional hearings that would put many comics publishers out of business and would give rise to the formation of the
content-regulating Comics Code Authority.
The article shown below ran in the November, 1953 issue of Ladies Home Journal ("The Magazine Women Believe In").I found a copy of the issue recently and wanted to share the opportunity to see the article in (something similar to) the manner in which America first saw it.
The magazine piece served as something of a preview to 'Seduction of the Innocent' and played a large part in paving a path to the fame and credibility Dr. Wertham was afforded.
Even as comic books became demonized at the time, so over the years has Fredric Wertham to many comics fans the world over. It's just barely possible that both reactions were a bit extreme and unfortunate...⬆ Photo of Dr. Fredric Wertham at work. ⬆
See also:
- Transcripts of 1954 Senate Subcommittee Hearings into Juvenile Delinquency, with a special focus on Comic Books.
Specifically, you may wish to read from the afternoon session of April 21st - - Testimony of Dr. Fredric Wertham.
- 'Fredric Wertham - Anti-Comics Crusader Who Turned Advocate' - an article detailing Wertham's writings and dealings with the comics medium, and his apparent about-face in the 1970's.
In 1974, In his book 'The World of Fanzines: A Special Form of Communication', "...Dr. Wertham was praising the efforts of comic-book readers, and presenting (their) internal hobby publications as the very model of non-violent communication by bright young people."
⬆ Cover, Ladies Home Journal, November 1953
⬅ 'About The Author' inset from Table of Contents page
⬅ Click on page images to ENLARGE to a readable proportion in a new window - -
- - OR click on page numbers below... ⬇
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ADDENDUM, 11/25/07: Many many thanks to Rogelio T for sending along a link to an archived radio broadcast from a March 2, 1948 episode of 'America's Town Meeting of the Air'.
'What's Wrong with the Comics?' featured a discussion with Al Capp, George Hecht, John Mason Brown and Marya Mannes.
It was later featured in the March 20, 1948 issue of Saturday Review of Literature as 'The Case for the Comics'.
"It's not Wertham, but the same subject", says Rogelio.
Follow the links to listen...
Reel 1 of 2
Reel 2 of 2
(Via American Voices)
Labels: advertising, article, comics, magazines, vintage graphics