Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Here's a choice little nugget of original new-wave power-pop from back in the day.
It still evokes memories of the era for me...
...Dig that farfisa organ!
(pictured left to right: Walter Jachec, David Wallace, Timmy Spence,
David Nelson, and Rick Clare) ➤
Times 5 were based in the San Francisco bay area, and played locally at clubs like The Stone, Mabuhay Gardens, and The Berkeley Square (as well as up and down the coast).
They were only around for a couple of years - - roughly 1978 through 1981.
The earliest roots of the group go back to high-school garage bands that several of the members were a part of in their native Hayward, California.
They released a single on Howie Klein's 415 Records label, and this track was included on the '415 Music' compilation LP.
Plans for an LP on 415 were scuttled when the band broke up soon after...Listen to: Times 5 - Is Your Radio Active?
(from '415 Music' compilation, 415 Records, 1980)
(click for audio)
See also:
- More info, photos, mp3s and a video clip of 'Is Your Radio Active' all available at the
Times 5 Homepage.
- Daniel Levitin's Brief History of 415 Records
Labels: audio, vintage vinyl