Saturday, February 16, 2008

It's been just about a week since
Roy Scheider died, at age 75.

He emerged on the film scene during a pivotal time in American cinema, and leaves behind a strong body of work made all the more memorable by his outstanding performances.

I'd been impressed by Roy Scheider in the 1970's, but when I first saw director
David Cronenberg's film adaptation of author William S. Burroughs' 'Naked Lunch' in the early 1990's, he impressed me all over again.

The movie also left one image burned into my brain by which I knew I'd always remember
Roy Scheider; It's the dramatic reappearance of Dr. Benway, his character in the film.

PLEASE CLICK ON THE PHOTO to see what I'm talking about.
(Sorry for any spoiler if you never saw it)

I suppose the picture is 'N-quite-SFW' - -
- - and it's very possible that it's not how Scheider would *care* to be remembered. Nevertheless, it illustrates the actor's depth and commitment that helped make him so fun to watch on screen.


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