Monday, February 4, 2008
A brief mention of Mexican painter and caricaturist Miguel Covarrubias in a recent posting here prompted a comment from a blog visitor.
He was kind enough to provide a link to the video slideshow he'd posted at YouTube: 'An Homage to
Miguel Covarrubias'.
Here's the video for you to enjoy, full of stunning Covarrubias images. ↙Back in April of '07 I'd mentioned the artist in the first of my weekly 'Reasons To Be Cheerful' entries...
"I found a copy of the art book, 'Miguel Covarrubias: Four Visions', and so far it's exceeded my already high expectations.
"As a kid, there was a big print of his 'Flora and Fauna of the Pacific' mural hanging in the bathroom. I knew of Covarrubias' art of the Pacific - - some of the Bali stuff, the Mexican culture stuff, but was completely unaware of the breadth of his styles, his drawings, and his commercial work.
"This book does a good job of roping it all together. SO cool.
Hey, maybe you should check out a little of his artwork - - ?"
Below are a few links to whet your appetite for more...
- 'Paintings of Miguel Covarrubias' at foto-foto.com
- 'Illustration: The Genius of Miguel Covarrubias' - - Serious eye candy at ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive
- A great overview at American Art Archives
- Another; several pages in reference to Covarrubias' illustrations for Zora Neale Hurston's 'Mules and Men'
- More 'round-up' resources at ArtCyclopedia Guide to Great Art on the Internet
- (ADDENDUM, 2/5/08) This just in: Several Covarrubias illustrations to W.H. Hudson's novel,
'Green Mansions'. Thanks to Jeffrey for providing the link to his site, Goof Button.com
Labels: art, illustrators, link, video, YouTube