Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Today I'm proud to announce that it was one year ago on this date that I posted my first blog entry on 'I'm Learning To Share!'.
That was when I grabbed a nearby jpeg to upload, wrote a few quick lines and posted it all as an initial attempt to figure out how this particular flavor of
e-soterica functioned.
The next few days and weeks were all about attacking the learning curve, as I picked up new skills on the fly and began dragging in bits and pieces out of my various collections to see if anyone out there could be interested in what I had to offer.
One year later, and I'm still happily learning new gimmicks and finding more fun crap to share with you all. It's a blast! - - and a labor of love.Yes, it's just another silly blog; perhaps the last thing the world really needs, but this blog has become chief among my many obsessions, and the response it gets continues to amaze me and warm my soul.
It's the getting from the giving, and the happy results stemming from the unexpected twists and turns it takes.
On this first of hopefully several anniversaries to come, please allow me to extend my sincere thanks to you all for your visits, thanks for your insightful comments and kind words, and thank you for sharing!
Cheers. Here's to what's ahead.
Okay - - back to it. So much essential ephemera and necessary nonsense to share, so little time...
* (thanks to my friend Topic for the title)
Labels: audio, My Friend Topic, vanity