Thursday, March 6, 2008
Hey Y'all - - Some news - - It's time for me to scratch that persistent itch again and head back to my old home town for a visit.
It's hard not to miss it;
up until a couple years ago I'd spent my whole life being happily spoiled by all it has to offer - - right up until the time I couldn't continue to pretend that I could still afford to live there.
I hop on a plane this morning and am looking forward to what will hopefully be the perfect balance of busy and idle.
So - - a heads up to any and all visitors to the blog - - There's always plenty to share, and I aim to do just that and keep posting, but it just may be that the frequency (and perhaps 'depth' if that term has any business here) of my posts diminishes over the next couple of weeks.
I'm around, I'll be fielding comments and e-mails and I'm certain I'll be checking in, but you'll forgive me if some of my energy goes elsewhere for a bit...
... So dive into the links, hit the archives, try out the podcast, or take a peek at my
'In Crowd Elsewheres' sites. By design, there's way too much stuff here to occupy your attention, and as they say, "Too Much Is Better Than Not Enough".
I'll be blathering away at you again soon enough, but in the meanwhiles, what sort of crucial nonsense has popped up this past week? Well, I'll tell you...1. Via Newsarama.Com (via STWALLSKULL) comes an interview with filmmaker Alex Cox and comics artist Chris Bones, regarding 'Waldo's Hawaiian Holiday', the new graphic novel sequel to Alex Cox's 1984 cult film 'Repo Man'.
Cox had written a screenplay back in 1995, and there had been a few abortive attempts to get the movie made.
Now it's slated to hit the shelves in comics form this month. Could be intense...2. There's always compelling sights to behold over at FABULON!
Recently the site posted a remembrance of Tiny Tim, including a couple of Mr. Tim's fascinating early 1950's publicity shots, and a link to the Tiny Tim Memorial Site.
- - And I was still grooving on the little tribute to character actor Franklin Pangborn that had appeared there previously...
3. News of the 2004 Taiwanese Whale Explosion has just reached me, as posted at the niche site
Truck Spills.Com. (Thanks and Howdies to Team Loiacono)
The beached 56-foot, 60-ton sperm whale had died, and scientific researchers had arranged to transport it on a large truck to a facility where they could perform an autopsy.
As the truck passed through the city of Tainan "...gasses built up to a critical level in the whale and it exploded, spewing whale guts in the street, on the cars and over pedestrians."Not really a reason to be cheerful, but a sobering reminder that life can be full of completely unexpected little surprises.
(Well, I suppose the departing spirit of the dead whale could have had a chuckle over it)
- - Actually, I'm suddenly fantasizing of a typically bored Rik Mayall circa
'The Young Ones', witnessing the messy event ... "How bloody typical..."4. Go get your name animated in lights at: notcelebrity.co.uk
You KNOW you want to...
5. This week I found myself looking at Drawger.com for the first time. It's a big showcase and forum for illustrators, and a cornucopia of interesting things to see.
Go check it out!
While I was nosing around Drawger I was just too excited to come upon a spot for illustrator J. D. King, which in turn led to his official website, J.D. King Illustration, etc.
I used to love seeing King's underground comix work, starting back in the 1980's with Weirdo and others of that era, but it feels like it's been a long stretch since I laid eyes on his lines.
Much has changed since those ink-on-paper days, but King's work is still too cool for school!
6. Speaking of bold graphic design, head over to YouTube and take a gander at a jazzy little video clip that asks: 'What if Saul Bass had done the opening title sequence for Star Wars?'
(Via Galley Slaves, via IMDb)
Labels: link, Reasons To Be Cheerful